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PCGS Weekly Update February 13, 2024

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CoinFacts Narrative Update

The $5 2022-W Proof Gold Eagles officially went on sale on the U.S. Mint website on March 17, 2022. The $5 2022-W Proof Gold Eagles could have been ordered as a single coin option or as a 4 piece proof set from the United States Mint. Read more.

PCGS Set Registry Update

At the age of 39, Georgius Castriotus Scanderbego (his Latin name) defected from the Ottoman army and unified Albanian principalities to stand up against the Ottoman Empire. Relations between the Albanians and Ottomans had been weakening for years and Kastrioti deserted his position within the Ottoman forces. He became the monarch of the town Krujë in 1443 which is located near the center of Albania. In the early part of 1444, he formed the League of Lezhë and with the help of others he was able to unify the Albanian empire. He was a master at guerilla warfare and used these advantages to defeat larger armies with smaller forces. Kastrioti was dubbed by the Turks as "İskender beğ" which is translated into Lord Alexander, in Albanian, Skander is Alexander and this evolved into "Skanderberg". He fought the Turks for many years and made an alliance with Lekë Dukagjini who was a neighboring nobleman. This led to a meeting called by Skanderberg of all Albanian noblemen to meet in Venetia, Italy in January of 1468 and his untimely death occurred on January 17, 1468 at the age of 62. He is remembered as a national hero and his magnificent war helmet that he wore in many battles can be seen today at the Museum of Arts in Vienna, Austria. PCGS has listed a set titled 1968 Albanian Silver Proof Set which includes the coin displayed above depicting Skanderberg on a horse wearing his battle helmet.

Additional sets from various countries have been added, so please feel free to browse the PCGS Set Registry when you have a chance and you may find there is a set for almost anyone to build. The PCGS Set Registry offers many different sets from all over the world and specialty sets for advanced collectors. We appreciate your continued patronage, all the best in building your sets, and Happy Collecting, folks!