New Jersey "St. Patrick" Coins

Obverse of New Jersey "St. Patrick" Farthing
Reverse of New Jersey "St. Patrick" Farthing
Ron Guth: The St. Patrick coins (so-named because of the image of the saint that appears on the back of the coins) were struck sometime prior to 1681, when some of them were brought to America by a man named Mark Newby. The front of the coins show a crowned king on his knees playing a harp and gazing up at a crown. The back of the Farthings show St. Patrick driving serpents into the sea; the back of the Halfpennies show St. Patrick surrounded by a crowd of people. Although these coins were struck overseas, they became legal money in New Jersey in May, 1682 because of the pressing need for coins in the Colonies.

Many of the copper pieces have a brass plug inserted deliberately to give the large crown a golden color.

Denominations: St. Patrick Farthing Copper Silver Unique St. Patrick Halfpenny Copper